About Me

For a long time I have been intrigued by all forms of the creative processes, which I could make my own as a student on the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture. In my designs I value the interactions and experiences of the stakeholders the most. "I want to create something for others to enjoy and to intrigue, in use and in beauty."
Also during a long term internship at Vitibuck Architects this goal was able to help me. Even the production of theatrical performances or the design of a newspaper

to inform all stakeholders can help to express this goal. It also showed me the other aspects of architecture, instead of designing. Sometimes you need to be proactive to manage your goal.
Although my goal is set on the enjoyment of stakeholdes, I also like to make a sustainable approach in my designs. The way this is implemented varies per design. A well integrated sustainable approach is able to add a new dimension to the design, making it more interesting for the people using the building and a sustainable future.